Who’s Coming?

Adrian Neely
5 min readSep 7, 2020

In the words of the immortal Goodie Mob, “if you scared, say you scared.” The world can be a scary place. After watching Animal Planet, I’m convinced that I never want to visit Brazil or Australia, because EVERYTHING in those two places can kill you. A killer snail? Really Brazil? I digress. As of late, I’ve discovered that racists, particularly those that don’t think of themselves as such, are afraid of people of color the way I’m afraid of killer snails. Donald Trump has played on that fear consistently since his election because that’s what orange people do. Don’t believe me? Where’s the caravan? What caravan you ask? Exactly. I’ll give you a refresher. That caravan of men, women, and children that were “coming” for all of us during the 2018 midterm elections. Someone or something “coming” seems to be a running theme with the alt-right (Basically, I consider them all the alt-right now). As a matter of fact, wasn’t every criminal in Mexico headed here in 2016? “ When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Those are Trumpicana’s exact words. I don’t think they’re the best words, as he once stated he has. He said this in the same speech: “And our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don’t believe the 5.6. Don’t believe it.
That’s right. A lot of people up there can’t get jobs. They can’t get jobs because there are no jobs, because China has our jobs and Mexico has our jobs. They all have jobs.”

Hmmm…sounds like what he and his supporters need to do is pull themselves up by their bootstraps and quit complaining about what they’re “not being given.” What jobs are asylum seekers and immigrants taking away from his supporters? Were they clamoring about a shortage of day laborer jobs? I doubt it, but, apparently, someone besides themselves is responsible for their inability to find work. Why can’t these people stop blaming others for their problems? At least the suburbs are safe again, not that they were in any real danger. Apparently, someone thought they were, however, because Sunny D had to tell them how he saved them from the scourge of low-income housing, aka black people moving in. One of our greatest presidents, Richard Nixon, employed the same tactic when he spoke of “the silent majority.” We know that black people can afford housing in the burbs, but Minute Maid Mussolini made most of his money in the 80s, and his mind is still there. Apparently, bankers didn’t know that black people had come up either, because they kept giving us subprime loans even when our credit was good before the bubble burst in 2008. Their lack of knowledge had to be the reason because we live in a post-racial society now 😒

If the racist down the street isn’t scared enough due to Sunset Stalin’s speeches, they can see-and hear-all of his rhetoric taken to eleven on Fox “News.” In June Tucker Carlson said that Black Lives Matter protests “may be a lot of things, this moment we’re living through, but it is definitely not about Black lives. Remember that when they come for you, and at this rate, they will.” Sheesh, I’m scared of black people now. If you look at this chart from the FB freaking I, it tells a different story from Fox “News.” However, we live in post-factual America, so all of this methodically collected data is rendered moot. Who would believe statistics on crime collected by an entity who’s charged with collecting statistics on crime? Applying Trump supporter logic, it seems that we should all be deathly afraid of being raped by a white person.

Just typing this out has made me afraid of everything. For instance, I’m worried about typing my summation because this is the moment where a racist would label me a racist. Let’s go! Sixty percent of the U.S. is white. Eighteen and a half percent of the United States is Hispanic or Latino. Black people make up 13.4 percent of the population. Depending on what data you subscribe to, there are 250 million white people here and 44 million black people. Somewhere in that 250 million is the number of white women who voted for Trump (53%) who also outnumber all of the black people in the U.S. since, when you look at it, white people outnumber black people by slightly less than six to one. Those numbers alone would seem to work against the idea of the “race war” that some miserable people have devoted their existence to prepare for. Black people are extremely pragmatic. If we examine American history, there are no examples of black people rising up and attacking and killing white people without provocation. There are, however, examples of the opposite. Cue the map.

This is a map of incidents during the “Red Summer” of 1919. These incidents are often incorrectly referred to as riots, rather than what they really were: violence against black people for daring to exist. Read the history if you’d like to know more. I believe we should all have to invest a little time into our own learning. This year is a microcosm of several years, post-slavery, where black people were murdered, beaten, and raped for having the audacity to work towards a life worth living, or in the case of Greenwood Oklahoma, prosper. There is no precedent for the uprising that Tucker Carlson and Mango Zedong want you to believe in. If this were a court case, a precedent would be one of the deciding factors in the judge’s ruling. In the end, it seems that the fear is all built around the idea that others could actually enjoy equal parts of the “American dream.” As the saying goes, “equality feels like oppression when you’re the group in power.”



Adrian Neely

I’m a son, husband, father, and educator. Whatever I say here is something I’d also say out loud.